What to expect at your first meeting

Your complimentary initial consultation with a financial planner will give you a chance to get to know each other.

They will explain how the financial advice service works, and how it can work for you. You’ll have the opportunity to talk about your current financial situation and your financial goals.

There’s no obligation to do any sort of preparation, but you may want to start by taking our financial health check. It will help you understand what types of financial planning services may be most appropriate for you.

Some questions to consider before your first meeting

  • Reflect on what you want in life. Start with the next few years. Are there any changes you’d like to make, or things you’d like to do? What about 5, 10 or 25 years from now? Where do you want to live? What do you want to be doing?
  • Consider your attitude towards money. Are you a spender or a saver? A risk taker or someone who prefers more certainty? When it comes to spending and managing money, what do you enjoy and what keeps you awake at night?
  • Think about the financial issues you find most challenging. Where do you think you could be making better decisions? What do you think you need to better understand?

Talk to your spouse or partner about these issues too. When you visit a financial planner, you’ll want to discuss what it is you want to achieve together as well as your individual dreams.

What to bring along. To help your financial planner gain a clearer understanding of your current finances and the planning services that could be right for you, a little preparation can go a long way. If possible, try to gather the following information before your first consultation:

  • Your income. If it’s easier, feel free to bring in tax documents, especially if you have income from multiple sources or you’re self-employed.
  • Your assets. Including property, superannuation, savings and investments.
  • Your budget. Or an estimate of where your money goes each month, including your mortgage or rent, personal or business loans and credit card debt.
  • Insurance coverage. especially life, disability and income protection policies, if you have them.
  • Questions. In addition to a list of your short and long-term financial objectives, bring any questions or concerns you may have.

Your first meeting is informal so don’t worry about gathering all the details. The important thing is to get started thinking about your financial future.

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